For the last couple of days, we have been learning to understand COVID 19 and what we can to to help here is some tips.
WALT: understand what COVID 19 is and how we can stay safe.
Coronavirus can kill
If you catch Coronavirus you might bring it back to people that are not immune like old people newborn babies although you might not know that you have doesn’t mean you don’t have it.
Keep safe
Before you eat wash your hand with soap and water and when you go for a walk keep 2 meters away for other people after you finish and you’re at home as soon as you get home Sanitas your hands and keep safe.
How can we help
If someone in your family feels sick then stay home for a week or two and don’t share food, cups, and forks
And cough and sneeze into your elbow and don’t go anywhere unless you need to remember to stay home And unite against coronavirus.